Plumb Marketing Playbook Program
Within 30-60 days, we will present you with a complete discovery documentthat details among other items identification of ideal audience(s), their€buying triggers, strategies for reaching them and tactics to drive the points€home. A comprehensive timeline, ROI expectations and budget accompany€the Plumb Marketing Playbook. This information is compiled through an€in-depth€client interview and discovery process featuring the Plumb Marketing team, which has well over a century of combined experience. That’s a lot of marketing bang for your buck. Then, after the initial Playbook is drafted, we go through it in detail and make final decisions about scope, timeline and budget.
Then, it’s off to the races…or, shall we say football game?
Our job is to get you where you want, and need, to go in business not to overwhelm you with data, make grandiose promises to get your money, or fill your head with so many buzzwords that you feel like you’re smack dab in the middle of a beehive. We’re driven by common sense and commonplace language.