Every day, we’re bombarded with headlines about how print is dead and digital is the one-and-only way to do business. We disagree with both assertions. That’s why we’re changing our name and revving up the set of marketing solutions we can provide to you.
In case you’re wondering, we’re NOT abandoning any services that we’ve provided for 18 years—we’re just adding to them. We recognize that much business is now firmly entrenched in the realm of digital communications, and we embrace that.
At the same time, print is not dead—nor will it be. Has its use declined? Absolutely. Is it now on the upswing in such areas as direct response marketing (a/k/a direct mail) because of its novelty compared to eblasts? Absolutely. Will print and digital continue to co-exist? Without question.
Increasingly, print and digital are linking up. QR codes in print venues directing readers to websites and other information centers are commonplace. Up-and-coming are Personalized URLs (PURLs) that enable recipients of direct mail pieces and the like to link to their own personalized website. Once there, they can tailor content to what they most want to know about. There’s also a growing trend toward including video links in print so readers can see the product or service in action. And these trends will continue to grow.
By offering five solution categories addressing global marketing needs – direct marketing, marketing consulting, printing & imaging, mailing & fulfillment, and, online solutions – Plumb Marketing can provide precisely what will truly work best for you. This sets us apart from the cornucopia of companies that just want to sell you their limited offering whether or not it will be the best fit—a la that old saying, “When you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail.”
That’s it. Our job is to give you the most cost-effective marketing tools and trajectory to heat up your bottom line. We bring all potential tools to the table, spanning print to digital…traditional to trendy…mainstream to new media. We’re not going to push trendy for trendy sake. Likewise, we won’t paper you with paper just because it’s where we made our bones.
So, why the name “Plumb” with a plum-filled logo?
When we came up with “Plumb Marketing,” we also started playing with plum. This led to the choice about whether to go with “Plumb,” connoting “straight” and “true” as in a plumb line…or going with “Plum” and its association to “sweet food for thought.” We decided to go plumb crazy and use both concepts. And have some fun along the way. Voila, Plumb Marketing with the plum-centric logo was born. Our keyline, “Straight to Sweet Marketing Results” conveys our commitment to make our solutions efficient, cost-effective and sweet-tasting – not just short-term but down the road as well.
We’ll give you performance instead of puffery. As we have for the last 17 years.

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