Does this sound familiar? Your new hires need business cards, but half the team hasn’t signed off on their proof. Some have edits, so you are saving those emails in a folder so you can send one summary to the printer. Your sales department keeps leaving voicemails about having personalized flyers made with their contact info. You keep waiting on the remaining business card edits so you can send them all in at once, and in the meantime, some guy in sales has created his own flyer. You really should be working on strategy for the next campaign, but you are spending your time wrangling staffers, re-opening the same emails to make sure any typos aren’t on you and confirming the flyer you just pulled has the most recent promo information. You start wondering why you are doing the work of an intern.
Plumb Online to the rescue!
You know the projects that have a habit of eating up your day: business cards, flyers, direct mail pieces and signage. Everyone wants them personalized, at different times, and oh, and they needed them yesterday. And every marketing manager has had the one staffer who goes rogue, creates their own collateral, and decides the logo would pop more if it were in neon pink, just to be festive. Typos and wasted budget and non-compliance, oh my!
A robust online marketing management tool not only reduces workload and headaches for the marketing department, but also improves efficiency, minimizes errors, speeds up turnaround times, ensures brand consistency and reduces costs.
How it Works
Company-approved templates for business cards, stationery, direct mail, signage and collateral pieces are uploaded to your personal online portal. Team members, who can be given different levels of access, can order personalize collateral 24/7 and start the production process – or simply order branded collateral when they need it. No more long email chains, no waiting, no more wrangling, no rogue designs.
Regardless of the size of your company or number of locations, Plumb Online can be customized to accommodate access levels, cost centers, approval steps and shipping locations. Additionally, it can be integrated with your company’s pre-existing intranet, so ordering collateral is one click away.
Quick Turnarounds
When an employee places his or her personal order online 24/7, the production process starts.
Enhanced Productivity
No longer does marketing have to track down team members to figure out quantities or confirm edits. Collateral is printed at Plumb, sent directly to the requested location and charged to the proper cost center.
Brand Protection
After pre-approved collateral has been uploaded to the portal, users will only be able to alter the fields that you preset with fonts and colors that are compliant with your brand standards.
Cost Savings
Not only will your marketing department be able to focus on relevant projects, but our reporting system will allow you to track collateral levels, saving you from over or under-ordering. The preapproved templates and approval process reduces cost and waste from errors or non-compliant marketing pieces from that guy in sales who thinks he’s a graphic designer.
We think we’ve covered that.
To learn more about how Plumb Online can benefit your bottom line, please contact us for a free estimate.
Ready To See More? Schedule A Demo!

Want to see exactly how the Plumb Online Marketing Asset Management System can work for your business? Simply fill out the form below or call 303-607-9424 to schedule your free demo today!
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