Summer months can sometimes be a drag for business to business marketers. Vacation, travel, hot weather and lack of business focus can reduce sales and lead production. So how can you stand out the most during this time of year? Take your marketing to the outdoors! Plumb Marketing has a few ideas to get your brand noticed, even on the hottest days of summer.
Five Summer Promotional Programs To Boost Sales
- Get visible and impactful signage for your store windows.
- Inviting the public into your store front to cool off, take advantage of beat the heat specials or sizzling summer sales can be an effective marketing tactic, especially when you want to create some foot traffic.
- Imprint your logo on everything then hold giveaways.
- Look for requests during the summer to donate giveaways for summer fundraising and parties.
- Host Your Own Event – A happy hour, lunch time bbq or open house can go along way to share appreciation and gratitude for existing customers and employees.
While the summer heat and vacation schedules may impact your summer sales, there is no reason why you should go stagnant. We also understand that some businesses are just slower during the summer months. If this is you, spend the summer months reviewing spring marketing campaigns for success, developing fall campaigns for a strong year end finish and invite in your partners for idea generating sessions (like Plumb Marketing!)
Stay cool out there!
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