While technology has certainly risen in prominence within the world of marketing, the reality is that any professional in the industry will tell you that an effective marketing strategy goes beyond just approaching your advertising from one direction. Things like social media marketing or digital efforts are important, but supplementing them with direct mail marketing services is still something that you need to do for your company.
The latest direct mail marketing statistics show that it’s still a highly effective method of reaching customer s and clients, and as such it deserves your attention. But don’t hesitate to go beyond the basics of using it – there are lots of direct mail marketing ideas that could help you get even more results from your investment. Here are some ideas worth keeping in mind.
- Never Bury The Lead – This refers to trying to build up the point of your mailer. In today’s internet culture, short attention spans are common. Instead, get the point out immediately – hook them with what you’re offering, don’t tease them into reading more.
- Lumpy Works! – While traditional direct mail is usually an envelope with a letter inside, a brochure, or a catalog, recent studies have found that by placing a lumpy object inside the envelope, there is nearly a 100% open rate. Of course, figuring out what to place inside is important too, but the key is to make sure to place something inside to get your letter read.
- Make it Useful – Don’t just send out an ad. Instead, try to think about something that your recipient will actually use. Mailing something as basic as a simple folded paper calendar or a small notepad with your company info on it could keep your business name visible for some time since the recipient will likely use it instead of just throwing it away.
- Samples Are Great – This can ‘lump up’ your mailer perfectly. If you can, consider sending a product sample with your mailer. It not only entices them to open the envelope, but may show them why your product stands out.
- Get Personal – Something as simple as addressing a letter by name can have a big impact, and so can things like using a stamp on the envelope. That level of personal touch can influence a customer on a subconscious level, and it isn’t hard to add to your efforts.
Get creative with your direct mail marketing ideas and you’ll likely end up getting better results from them. It’s still a viable option for marketing, and one that you need to consider.
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