In a world where it seems most of our marketing messaging focuses on product features rather than customer pain, the reminder that we must focus on the 3 M’s of marketing is quite timely. This article recently published in Entrepreneur Magazine hits the nail on the head when it comes to what we need to be focused on when marketing to our targets. Right Message, Right Market, Right Media….
As you develop your message, always keep your customer in mind. In fact, you should have an ideal customer in mind with a formal persona profile on them to reference as you are creating your marketing message. Dig in and continue to ask yourself “so what?” as you build your message. Once you have described the real pain point of your consumer and a solution statement that solves the pain, you have a market message ready for publication.
A thorough understanding about who buys your offerings, where they purchase, why they purchase and how they like to receive information is absolutely required when going to sell anything, especially in a world with over 7 billion people. In the land of big data, we now can attain lists of people based on demographics, past purchase behavior, income levels, recent move dates, job titles, IP address locations…you name it. If you are still marketing with a “Spray and pray” strategy, stop and do your homework. (psst. We can help!)
This is where many small businesses fall down in their marketing. With the barrage of methods available to us to reach our customer’s when determining the media mix for our marketing, it is no wonder they do. Email? Direct Mail? TV/ Radio? Social media ads? ….Where is your dollar best spent to reach the market with your message? Marketing has never been a “one and done” silver bullet to selling more products and services. Yet we often hear, “I sent out a postcard. No response.” Well we are here to tell you one of any tactic in a landscape where people receive over one million messages per day in marketing will never provide the results you want. Instead, we encourage a holistic, omnichannel media approach. If you are going to send a postcard, lead the customer to a website to gain additional offers or information. Add remarketing to place ads that correspond with a mailer on Google, Facebook and Instagram. Run radio spots that remind people to check their mailboxes…the wave of the future is to take your message and place it on several media platforms. The very first thing to uncover, long before you even create that message, is whether or not your market is on that media. If you do not cater to teens, SnapChat is not for you. Do not sell B2B products? No reason to advertise on LinkedIn. If you are not sure where your customers gain their information, ask them. A quick survey or study on your client’s buyer behavior will be revealing.
The focus around these 3 M’s of Marketing will lead to higher response, more customers and better revenue. Without it, you are blindly marketing and could be wasting hundreds if not thousands of dollars.
Need more help? Our one-hour marketing discovery session will get you thinking in the right direction. Sign up today and quit guessing about your marketplace.

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