Branding should be at the heart of any of the Denver marketing services you choose to use for your marketing efforts. The good news is that existing marketing efforts you may already be employing, like direct mail marketing, can be tailored to help boost brand recognition and loyalty.

Connecting with Your Audience

Direct mail marketing offered by prominent Denver marketing firms can be trail and error in the initial stages until you know which customers are responding to your efforts, although test mailings can help define your audience. Brand loyalty can be established through direct mail marketing by:

  • • Addressing customers by name in an appropriate manner
  • • Sending out mailings likely to be of interest to recipients
  • • Including non-marketing efforts like “thank you” cards for recent orders

Cutting through the Clutter

While direct mail marketing may seem dated, it’s more relevant than ever at a time when customers are inundated with emails and online ads that can be easily ignored. In some cases, excessive clutter can annoy customers to the point where they purposely avoid your brand. Cutting through the clutter with a solid direct mail marketing plan can be an effective step towards establishing a positive brand association with customers.

Reducing the Urgency to Respond

While online marketing certainly has its place, not every customer likes to be urged to “click now.” Direct mail marketing allows customers to respond on their time, although you can increase the odds of encouraging a conversion with multiple options, including a toll-free number and reference to your website. This non-pressure approach to marketing also reflects positively on brand.

Establishing Loyalty

Direct mail marketing is a prime opportunity to display your customer service skills and encourage brand loyalty. If a customer has a good experience ordering something via direct mailing, they’re more likely to spread the word to friends or place another order in the future, again helping to form a positive association with your brand.

With the recent wave of high-profile data breaches, directly connecting with customers through targeted and personalized mailing efforts can also generate some degree of trust. Once customers associate trust with your brand, they’ll be more likely to visit your website or check out what you’re sharing socially.


What Are the Benefits of Direct Mail Advertising?,

4 Reasons to Use Direct Mail Marketing Instead of Email Marketing,