Over 90,000 people search for ‘unboxing’ on YouTube every month. Some unboxing videos have received over 10 million views!

It’s true! And with a simple search, you can find lists of special days dedicated to just about anyone. Of course, there are the standard gift holidays like Christmas or Valentine’s, but there is also Administrative Assistants Day, Mail Carrier’s day, days for Teachers and even Coffee Barista Day.

Not just titles are recognized either. There are days for honoring people groups, yummy foods, and raising awareness for health conditions. There is always a way to show appreciation or honor to customers, employees, or partners, and a branded box makes a lasting impression. Combining corporate gifting with custom packaging, and you can truly wow your recipients and create a YouTube unboxing worthy experience.

Corporate Gift Giving

The lifeblood of any business is the customer, so why not show them appreciation with a branded gift?

Why is a branded gift better than just any gift? Gifts should always make the receiver feel valued, and a branded gift should be no different. But the reason why branded gifts are even better is that not only does the recipient feel valued, they also remember you fondly when they are enjoying it.

For example, would a customer think an umbrella with your company logo on it is a great gift? They could if they enjoy outdoor activities where an umbrella means shade or staying dry. Another customer may love a cuddle teddy bear, but with your branding, they equate comfort with your company.

Custom Branded Boxes

Imagine if every time your customer sees their personalized box on their desk, they are reminded of your relationship with them?

Corporate gifts don’t need to be expensive and lavish to be effective. Personalized keepsake boxes are a perfect example of this. They can be as thoughtful as a pen and notebook set with the customer’s name or initials, wrapped in a custom branded box. The cost of the printed materials is fairly low, but when packaged well, create a huge value to the customer.

And, every time your customer sees their personalized product,  they are instantly reconnected with your company.

Ideas for Custom Packaging and Corporate Gifting

No matter what industry you’re in, there are endless opportunities to thank your customer. Custom packaging and corporate gifting ideas are just as varied. Here are some ideas in a few different industries to help spark your creativity. Of course, Plumb Marketing has a wide variety of products available, but if you can dream it, it can be created.

Health, Wellness, Beauty

Consider a custom printed box with a special health or beauty sample kit inside. Reinforce your brand and encourage customers to try their new favorite product they learned about from a free sample.

Convention Sponsor (Any Business or Non-profit)

One company delivered chocolates to all the hotel rooms at a particular convention. Inside the box was information about the company. Both the chocolates and information was offered in a keepsake box so the recipients were reminded of the convention and the company.


One auto shop thanked patrons with custom box packaging and inside were personalized coupons for free car washes. They also provided information about new product offerings to encourage repeat business.

Non-profit with No Gifting Policy

Consider a custom printed box from the organization with a thank you note with a personalized message from the Executive Director, based on contribution levels.

Home Service Provider

Boxes in the branded colors of your business and swag inside such as a calendar of recommended service dates, information about the product or services they received, and a magnet for them to keep around for their next service call, is a great gift.

Real Estate

Real estate agents can provide a gift box with printed information about the neighborhood, a stamp with the new owner’s address, or samples from the local businesses.

Additional Ideas for Any Business

  • Add QR Codes to encourage clients to engage online to access coupons, ask them to leave reviews, or watch a video.
  • If it works for your brand, consider tactile embellishments. Foil can be used for 3D imaging or reflective surfaces, and textiles can deliver lush textures and unique feel.
  • Really consider what your customer would value as a gift. Office supplies, organizational tools, kitchen gadgets, blankets, tools – practically anything can be branded or included in a gift box.
  • Eco-friendly options are a very popular starting point if you are unsure where to begin. Ask your printing expert about trends that meet your budget and goals.

Unbox Your Brand

With a variety of materials and products available, how could your business use corporate gifting and unboxing to elevate your brand?

With technology, tools and processes more accessible than ever, creative, memorable custom boxing is available to businesses of all sizes and budgets.

With the joyous experience gifting can provide your customers, while giving your brand more shelf life, gifting is a win-win solution.

There’s no reason to wait for a special calendar holiday for gift giving! Show appreciation to your customers with custom boxing and gift giving today. Contact Plumb Marketing today to start planning the best corporate gifting strategy for your business.