Over a year has now passed since we were introduced to COVID-19 and the associated restrictions, shut-downs, quarantines, and “new normal”. So, when we say, “the return to business as usual”, there may not be such a thing. However, with restrictions lifting, we are all determining how business as usual now looks and what it takes to stay on the path to recovery.

Prior to the pandemic, studies where showing that direct mail was once again growing in relevance as people were overwhelmed with digital advertising. In fact, many became “blind” to banner and placed ads, filtered promotional emails, and opted out of any digital marketing.

Now, we are seeing people suffering from “Zoom fatigue” and running to their mailboxes for tangible connections to the world outside their home offices. This has made direct mail more relevant than ever before. And with improved technology, there’s been a huge boost in the effectiveness of direct mail campaigns. This is due in part to:

  • Better targeting of demographical information
  • Personalizing mail in creative ways (such as use of specific images, directions and more)
  • Use of URL’s and QR codes to drive online engagement from mail
  • Cross promotion/branding in on and offline platforms

As more businesses open to in-person shopping and live interactions, it’s now time to take advantage of multi-channel marketing. Multi-channel marketing combines direct mail with digital marketing to get more customers into your brick-and-mortar business.

When reviewing your sales goals for this year and beyond, considering how buying has changed must be taken into account. With consumers more familiar with online shopping platforms and mixed desire for in person engagement, wouldn’t a blend of on and offline marketing make the most sense?

The risk has also never been lower. With tracking and seamless integration between multiple channels using technology like Plumb’s Response Builder, it is possible to see predictable, consistent results and work towards continuous improvement.

Overall, if you haven’t considered direct mail, or thought it was irrelevant, now is the time to take a fresh look at what the stats say. Get your best ROI with multi-channel marketing – combining the best of on and offline marketing and see your business find the success beyond what was usual. Define a successful new normal for your business this year.

Stop wondering if your leads are converting and take control with Plumb Marketing’s Response Builder. If you are looking for a quality, direct mail campaign with targeted data, contact us today for a demonstration and more information about Response Builder and how it can work for your business.