Does it seem like you are constantly reordering marketing collateral for others within the organization? Are you wasting time, money and resources customizing marketing collateral for each salesperson, real estate agent or executive within the company? Do you throw away an entire stock of outdated marketing material on a regular basis? If any of this is you, read on for 5 benefits to centralizing your marketing collateral into an online reordering system.
Brand Equity Maintained
According to a Gallup Report released in 2017, 43% of the workforce are working remotely. How does this affect marketing? It means more of us have the potential to create marketing pieces on the fly that may or may not be acceptable according to our brand standards. A centralized marketing asset program allows your remote workforce to log in and reorder branded, approved marketing collateral, ensuring that your image is maintained across platforms.
Reduce Administrative Burdens
Giving your employees access to reorder their own marketing flyers, business cards, etc. reduces the need for your administrative staff to coordinate this effort.
Long-Term Savings
How many times have you had to throw away mass amounts of papers because the content was outdated? With a centralized marketing asset system, you can begin to order collateral in small quantities, easily and on demand. This reduces storage and waste costs overall.
One-Stop Shop
Through a centralized marketing asset program, you no longer need to remember which vendor created, printed and delivered marketing collateral. At Plumb Marketing, we can either do all of these components for you OR simply have all of your marketing collateral, from business cards to trade show graphics, delivered to our warehouse and we will take it from there. Then empower your employees to reorder from a centralized system (like Plumb Online) and we fulfill the request. The program can be used for any printed pieces that recur in your organization, from membership kits to t-shirts to business cards.
Easy Personalization
It is very easy to set up parameters in a centralized, online marketing collateral reordering system to personalize and customize each piece. Through this technology, you simply provide a template for each marketing piece then each employee, agent or representative of the company simply logins, adds their own information in the fields provided, then voila! A customized marketing collateral piece is available. This is an excellent solution for real estate agents and remote workforces.
Interested in a demonstration behind the power of a great online, centralized marketing asset management system? Our customer web portal program, Plumb Online, is a great example. Contact us today to schedule your demo!
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